Monday 29 August 2016

Resident Evil 7 animation - photogrammetry - demo codex 2016 + Trailer

Resident Evil 7 started conceptual development in 2013, and started actual production in January 2014. PSVR was decided for the project in November 2014, and they used The Kitchen Demo as a testing the water build to both tease the basic concept of RE7 and how it worked with VR.

-Capcom talks about their experience with VR to other companies and gives tips for those who want to develop VR games for PSVR. They mention if making a longer game, like they are with RE7, it is important to give the user options due to VR tiredness, some have no problem while others get sickness, etc. So for RE7 they've been testing and making changes to it all throughout development, and recently implemented VR options for speed, acceleration, and more. But also they let users go in and out of VR mode at any time, in the middle of gameplay you can pause and switch on or off to VR mode on PS4 if the gamer wishes to, and they can switch back at anytime to the other. They believe giving options is important, and the content of the game is the same whether you play in VR or not, which they think is important to make users not locked out of content just because they're not playing in VR, as some can't handle or afford that and VR should be focused on user experience. They also give a lot of technical information of how they handle depth, lighting, etc., for VR, and elements that developers may not initially think about which effects users in VR.

-Depth of field is important, and though they have a VR and non-VR at any time mode and the content is changed, there are slight variations made to the game in both modes to best support both modes. They mention some gameplay elements are slightly altered to make best use of most modes of play, but much of the change is mostly technical. An example they give is that their item inventory in RE7 looked like it was a 2D image in front of everything else in VR, which made it look unnatural, so they made alterations when in VR mode game to make it fit in the world much better and have more 3D depth when in VR. Melee weapons, like the axe, were also close to the player vision and looked weird to everything else and lacked depth, so they made some visual changes to make it look a lot better in VR as well.

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