Wednesday 14 September 2016

Dissidia Final Fantasy ArCade - Warriors of Light - Final fantasy

Warrior of Light (Dissidia)

The Warrior of Light is a playable character in Dissidia Final Fantasy, Dissidia 012 Final Fantasy and the arcade reboot. A skilled and honorable swordsman, he duels using both sword and shield to strike enemies. He is the leader of the characters fighting for Cosmos, and is a stoic and determined individual who serves the will of the goddess faithfully. In opposition to him, his nemesis, Garland, is Chaos's right-hand man. Dissidia character files note that not even he knows his true name or origins, and Dissidia 012 elaborates on both extensively, revealing his connection to Cosmos and Cid of the Lufaine and establishing him as an original character not summoned from another world like the others.

Although all ten heroes of the original Dissidia have their own Destiny Odysseys, the Warrior of Light is considered the main protagonist of the game's storyline, seeing as how he leads the other warriors.


The Warrior of Light is calm, tactical, and focused, solemnly believing in Cosmos and that her victory will come as a result of the valor of her warriors. He pays no heed to the taunts and attempted manipulations of the villains he battles, and though he grows concerned that they know something vital that he does not, he continues to believe in the light and struggles onward. Even Cosmos is unable to sway his resolve, the goddess expressing doubts over the growing risk of the battle and the Warrior telling her that she taught him to always keep fighting.

When Garland reveals to the Warrior that the war is a cycle and they cannot permanently kill each other, the Warrior declares he will fight to end the cycle then, and will save Garland from his destined eternity of battle. Towards the other Warriors of Cosmos, he is a stern but compassionate leader, temporarily straying from his path to rescue Firion from Sephiroth and challenging Squall to ensure he is strong enough to be safe traveling alone.

In Dissidia 012, the Warrior is initially the only other Warrior of Cosmos aware of Kain's plans to incapacitate the other warriors to save them from the manikins. As a contrast to his actions in the 13th cycle, the Warrior tells Cosmos and Lightning that before the manikin army, their deaths are certain, and it is only by submitting to the cycle that they can survive, accepting their defeat as inevitable and being reborn to fight anew in the new war. In the 12th cycle's ending, the Warrior battles a massive army of manikins to protect Cosmos, expecting to be killed for good. Before the battle, he apologizes for being unable to lead her warriors to victory, that in spite of his actions, his faith in her has never wavered, and encourages her to trust in her surviving warriors in the next conflict.

During one of the previous cycles of conflict, Cid of the Lufaine attempted to make a perfect manikin from his own memories. Despite repeated failures, he eventually succeeded, the manikin's body not crystallizing to show its perfection. This manikin had no signs of will, which Cid attributed to an incomplete transfer of his memories, and placed it among the other summoned warriors of the cycle to see what became of it. This manikin appears in the Chaos Shrine, where Prishe and Garland find him. Though Prishe is confused by his appearance, Garland recognizes the Warrior somehow and tells Prishe she cannot understand what he is. The two battle, and when Prishe is victorious, she takes the Warrior to Order's Sanctuary, where she and Shantotto convince Cosmos to imbue him with her power, transforming him into a Warrior of Cosmos.

At the Empyreal Paradox, the Warrior of Light tells Prishe he has no name and no memories of his past. She reassures him he doesn't need his memories in order to know who he is, and thinks about bringing the topic up with Cosmos before excitedly proclaiming she knows exactly what his name should be

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