Wednesday 21 September 2016

Custom Regalia and New Fishing - TGS 2016- FINAL FANTASY XV

The car can be set to autopilot driven by Ignis, or be driven manually by the player. In the master version available at Gamescom the player held the right trigger to accelerate and the vehicle steered itself, with U-turns and parking automated animations activated by a single face button.When the game was next featured in PAX West, freedom to let the player steer the car was added. Allowing players to freely steer the car impeded on some of the progress in the game, so the team wanted to make sure the game was perfected prior to implementing that aspect, and to solve any issue that might emerge from that.

During car rides one can listen to the characters' conversations. The car can be customized by the player, possibly with parts dropped by monsters to change up the specifications and the paint job.[9] The car's trunk acts as the party's storage.

Square Enix is looking to install a car radio that could either play the player's own MP3s, or Final Fantasy/Square Enix title music. Legal issues surround the first option, but the team is working on the latter. It has been said the car radio is possible in Japan and the United States, but European laws are strict.


Fishing will be an integral part of the hunting and cooking process in the game. Players will be able to fish in ponds, lakes and other bodies of water they come across. This is done by casting their own fishing poles and waiting for a fish to bite. When a fish bites, the player will have to "fight" the fish by following on-screen prompts to keep it on the line and reel it in. When the fish has been reeled in, Ignis will cook it like. Like other cooked foods, it will provide the party with a status buff. There will be many kinds of fishing rods and lures available for players to use to catch different fish.

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