Thursday 15 September 2016


*WARNING – These screenshots show disturbing images of humans eating the entrails of what are likely to be other humans. Do not look at them under any circumstances, and that means you.*

We’re on the eve of Tokyo Game Show 2016 kicking off, and Capcom has made a few important announcements regarding its highly anticipated hit, Resident Evil 7.

First up, the development company has confirmed that the game will support both a 4K screen resolution and HDR coloring, meaning it will take full advantage of the PlayStation 4 Pro. If that is important to you, you can pick one up this holiday season for $399.99.

As for the screenshots, well… they’re a bit gruesome. The first two don’t show off much besides scenery of the latest evil residence, but the third one isn’t shy about its inhabitants casually enjoying a meal of innards from their fellow man.

I knew that this game was about cannibalism from the beginning, and now I stand correct. I also know I’ll never play this game in VR either. No, thank you. I’ll already be sick from the motion problems, but watching humans eat one another is just a little too far in my book.

Resident Evil 7 will be released for the PlayStation 4, Xbox one, and PC on Jan. 24, 2017.

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